I should consider this year as a bad one in which concerns my watercolour production.
First of all, because a lack of inspiration, secondly because a lack of will power and finally because a lack of time.
Here are a lot of “lacks” that I will tray to overcome in the near future.
I have been obliged to invest a lot of time not only in the purchase of the apartment at the Belgian coast, but also in the making of the site to promote it, as well in the reading in Dutch, understanding and participation in the litigation concerning the co-property.
From now I hope to be able to find some time and inspiration to catch my old train of activities.
I have nevertheless started some watercolour works that I think are going to remain unachieved, but at least they are look able.
As they do not reflect any of my pictures I cannot give them a real title but only a reference like for instance “WW2008/07” (meaning Watercolour Work done on July 2008)
I briefly show them here but I will dedicate a more exclusive post in the artistic blog.