Wednesday 2 April 2008


This article should have been posted probably in the family part since it concerns my daughter. Nevertheless, I have put it here just to end the entry point concerning my mother.

A week ago, my daughter was sad because a boy had asked her if she wanted to go out with him and she had said “no” to him. She was sad because she was concerned about the sadness she could have caused to him. However, she had very clear in her mind that she could not say “yes” just not to make him sad. She told me that she knew how much that hurts.
I have taken her in my arms and told her that I was proud of her. That she had to take that as a life lesson, …..

That makes me realise how quick time flies. “Yesterday” she was just watching Walt Disney films, Today she acts, from her fourteen years, in a real mature way.

She is sincerely sensitive I hope her friends appreciate it and do not take advantage of it.

Thanks Alba. Be yourself.


Bubusca2 said...

Antonio, ce n'est que maintenant que je lis ton blog ! Très sympa. J'ai une fille du même âge. Je comprends ça aussi.
Alors, tu as quitté La Bisbal à l'âge de 22 ans? Moi aussi j'ai quitté le Brésil (et toute ma famille est restée là-bas) à 22 ans. Toute une vie, hein?
Je ne savais pas que ta maman était morte. On n'en a pas parlé, je savais juste que tu était en Espagne parce qu'elle était très malade. Je suis désolée... on parlera probablement de tout ça un autre jour. A bientôt,
Tereza, du cours d'anglais

Vlirbo said...
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